Yes, we understand the differences between US and Canadian educational systems, particularly as the differences affect the advising process.
For example, we realize that “college,” “university,” and “university college” are not interchangeable terms for you, as they pretty much are in the US. We realize how these differences reflect the sorts of degree programs you offer and that the relations between offered programs can be quite different between different types of institutions.
We are also very aware that your use of “credits” varies much more significantly between institutions than the US notion of “credits” does. The Advisor system was designed with an entirely flexible notion of “credits,” so that you can mix credit types among your various requirements, and the system does all needed conversions behind the scenes. Even our “equivalencies engine” can handle different credit types, so it’s easy for you to set up courses/credits equivalencies that will just work.
Even on the subject of the advising process itself there are differences between the US and Canadian approaches, with Canadian schools tending to be much more “hands on” and establishing real relationships between students and advisors. The Advisor system was fundamentally designed to facilitate such relations!
From our Communicator module to the events-driving notifications system, Advisor was designed to act as the communications hub between students and advisors. As a demo will immediately reveal, no other degree audit system more neatly fits the Canadian emphasis on relational advising.